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Microelectronics Materials and Devices
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Introduction3 Topics
Crystal Structure17 Topics
Semiconductor Devices in Microelectronics
Atom Arrangement (Carbon) vs Material Property
Crystal Structure and Ordering
Crystal Structure
Cubic Lattices
Derivatives of FCC Lattices
Hexagonal Lattices
Cubic Close Packing
Hexagonal Close Packing
Atomic Packing Factor
Planes and Directions
Directions in Crystal
Applications of Miller Indices: Si Wafers
Crystallographic Orientation
Crystal Plane and Crystal Direction
Experimental Determination of Crystal Structure & Properties
Summary and Learning Outcomes
Semiconductor Devices in Microelectronics
Energy Bands
Dielectrics and Other Non-semiconductor Materials
P-N Junctions
MOS Capacitors
Metal Semiconductor Contacts
Participants 170
Lesson Progress
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Closed Packed Structure
In 2D, close packed layers is the most efficient way of packing equal sized spheres.

i.e. the maximum possible packing for 2D.
Can stack close packed (c.p.) to give 3D structures.
3D Closed Packed Structure

First layer is A (blue) and second layer is B (red).
Third layer, there are two possibilities:
- Can have A position again (blue). This leads to the regular sequence
…ABABABA…..Hexagonal close packing (hcp) - Can have layer in C position (green), followed by the same repeat,
to give …ABCABCABC… Cubic close packing (ccp)
Difference between hexagonal closed packed (hcp) and cubic closed packed (ccp) structures