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Energy and the Environment
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Transport Fuels5 Topics
Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels8 Topics
Energy Sources: Renewables10 Topics
Electricity10 Topics
Energy Sources: Nuclear6 Topics
Demand Response6 Topics
Energy/Emissions Policy15 Topics
What is Policy ?
Policy Development
Energy Policy
Energy Priorities
What is a Carbon Price ?
Emissions Trading
Carbon Tax
Carbon Tax Vs Carbon Trading
Saudi Arabia National Renewable Energy Program
Large scale Renewable Energy Target
Small scale Renewable Energy Scheme
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Saudi Arabia Emissions Profile
Methods for Measurement
Carbon Pricing Mechanism
What is Policy ?
Energy Economics2 Topics|1 Quiz
Participants 170
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- Natural gas is versatile.
- It can make electricity, heat homes and fuel transportation.
- It produces fewer emissions, and much less carbon than coal or oil.
Gas Power (Open Cycle Gas)
Open Brayton Power Cycle (Gas Turbine)
- 1-2: isentropic compression
- 2 3: constant pressure combustion process (heat addition)
- 3 4: isentropic expansion combustion products at atmospheric pressure
- 4-1: constant pressure heat rejection until temperature returns to initial conditions
Combine Cycle Gas Power Station
- Natural gas is burnt in a mixture of compressed air after being drawn through filters and compressed
- Combustion produces high pressure, high temperature combustion gases that drive a turbine connected to a generator.
- Generator spins an electromagnet (~50 revolutions a second), inside copper wire conductors
- Exhaust gases are sent to the Heat Recovery Steam Generator to boil water producing superheated steam.
- remaining exhaust gas is released through a large chimney\
- Superheated steam directed to a steam turbine that drives another generator
- producing more electricity
- The steam powered generator increases the overall efficiency >
- Spent steam is condensed and cooled back to liquid water for reuse
- Another water stream is pumped through the condenser and cooled using cooling towers
Conventional natural gas
- Crude oil wells ( associated gas)
- traditionally flared as waste gas (Nigeria)
- gas cap above crude /dissolved in crude
- Natural gas from gas wells ( non associated gas)
- little or no crude oil
- typically produce only raw natural gas
- Condensate wells ( non associated gas)
- produce raw natural gas & some low MW HC
- liquid at ambient conditions
Waste gas flaring unwanted associated gas
- ~140 150 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas is flared into the atmosphere annually
- translates into 270 290 million tons of CO2