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Energy and the Environment
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Transport Fuels5 Topics
Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels8 Topics
Energy Sources: Renewables10 Topics
Electricity10 Topics
Energy Sources: Nuclear6 Topics
Demand Response6 Topics
Energy/Emissions Policy15 Topics
What is Policy ?
Policy Development
Energy Policy
Energy Priorities
What is a Carbon Price ?
Emissions Trading
Carbon Tax
Carbon Tax Vs Carbon Trading
Saudi Arabia National Renewable Energy Program
Large scale Renewable Energy Target
Small scale Renewable Energy Scheme
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Saudi Arabia Emissions Profile
Methods for Measurement
Carbon Pricing Mechanism
What is Policy ?
Energy Economics2 Topics|1 Quiz
Participants 170
Lesson Progress
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- Goal is to create a change in an economy
- market can differentiates b/w goods & services based on carbon footprints
- A carbon price can be established explicitly
- through carbon taxes, emissions trading, or carbon purchase regimes
- or implicitly
- through regulations, emissions standards, Best Available Control
Technology (BACT) requirements
- through regulations, emissions standards, Best Available Control
- Choice of specific policy tools depends on:
- a country’s national circumstances
- the characteristics of affected economic sectors
Carbon Price Implications